Seven P’s Unveiled: Navigating Marxist Influences, University Reforms, Global Geopolitical Dynamics (Energy News Beat #180)

Public Appearances

Seven P’s Unveiled: Navigating Marxist Influences, University Reforms, Global Geopolitical Dynamics (Energy News Beat #180)

Sun February 4, 20244:00 AM EST53 Minute Read

Last Updated: Thu February 29, 20243:33 PM EST

The overarching fact pattern of technology and population growth through history was presented by 1992 economics Nobel laureate Robert F. Fogel. The two primary trends of technology and population growth over time are part of the fundamental atmospheric conditions in which all countries operate. Furthermore, these two primary trends are the two post-1950s secondary trends of First World manufacturing jobs migrating to the Developing World and the mass migration of people from the Developing World to the Developed World. Two things are significant here: First, population growth is drastically outpacing economic growth as the global wages labor equilibrium rate plummets as income disparity is climbing. Secondly, the migration levels are likely to be a tsunami in North America and Europe this decade as people continue to migrate from developing countries to developed countries.



Stuart Turley: Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Energy News Beat podcast. My name’s Stu Turley, president, and CEO of the Sandstone Group. The World’s at War in the War is coming to the United States. Buckle up and sit back and listen to George McMillan. This is going to be our third podcast.

Stuart Turley: And you can go to the energy news Beacon and see all of these stories that he’s been doing in our series. This is a critical podcast because we are going to cover really the Seven P’s. As he goes through this, the Seven P’s are the professors, the priests, the prosecutors, the press, the police, the politicians and the parents.

Stuart Turley: All of these have different things that they mean and they have been targeted. And I think as I was describing this, you could probably just think in your mind about all of these stories that are going on with that, I’d like to introduce to you George McMillan. He’s the CEO of G3 Strat. And I mean, you are an amazing resource for anybody that wants to know energy and geopolitical information, and I’m talking head folks around the world listen to YouTube.

George McMillan: yeah, we got that from Europe. Yeah, from your from your website. You’re tracking IP addresses to see where they’re pinging from. I’ll. 

Stuart Turley: Tell you what, George, I am totally shocked. Not about you because you’re brilliant, but your stories and your articles are being read and they are being read from around the world.

George McMillan: So yeah. And in the capital cities.

Stuart Turley: Yes, absolutely I do. You and I were even talking about this. So let’s go over the seven pieces and then after that we’re going to go through another piece here. The Seven P’s is critical for several reasons. Why don’t we go ahead and kick you into this?

George McMillan: Yeah. What we were talking about, you know, is the importance of predictive modeling. And there’s and there are different types in the first part of the paper. It opens up with Professor Vogel’s chart of technology and population growth over time. So in that case, you can measure economic growth rates of change versus population growth rates of change.

George McMillan: If they remained about equal, then you could have. 

Stuart Turley: Do you want me to bring that up right now?

George McMillan: Yeah, you could. Just for a second and then and then we’ll get back to it. Okay, if that’s possible. Okay. So with this, with this chart, it took about 150,000 years for hominids to get 1 billion people on the planet in 1884 is what they say. They come up with an exact year. But this is, say, 1800. So 1800 to 2010, we’ve had about 7.9 billion.

George McMillan: So the curve is going straight up right from 1900 on. And if you go to the chart at the bottom, okay, all the way the at the bottom of the paper.

Stuart Turley: Page 11.

George McMillan: Yeah, there you go. Okay, So here you go. You have all the populations in the developing world, meaning Latin America, and Africa, So Africa would be Saharan Africa, Sahel, and sub-Saharan Africa. And, India is basically what you’re talking about. The blue on the blue on the bottom from 1952 is all the way projected through 2030 is pretty much been level, you know, since World War Two.

George McMillan: Wow. So all the growth, all the logarithmic growth is in the developing world. Yeah. If you go down to the chart just below, right? Yeah. Next page. Yeah. There you go. Okay. Wow. Yeah. This chart. Yeah. So this chart is more accurate. Yeah. It takes 150,000 years for us, for the hominids. It’s. It’s basically straight up.

Stuart Turley: Wow.

George McMillan: You know, 3 billion. Because people are wondering, okay, there’s a number of things in this chart. I want to keep it very simple for this conversation. Okay? The more that population growth exceeds economic growth, right, the more poverty you’re going to have. Exactly. So, in truth, there’s absolutely no country on the planet that’s poverty-stricken. Actually, most of them are just about all of them have plenty of natural resources on them, if used properly, for all countries to basically be well-off.

Stuart Turley: But, George, let me just there are no advanced countries without the use of natural gas and coal and low-cost energy. So you have to make sure that, you know, the African countries that don’t have the infrastructure don’t have the advantage that the West has had for so long. So I just want to add that in there, you’ve got to have low-cost energy in order to get energy to the populace.

Stuart Turley: Is that a fair statement?

George McMillan: Yeah. Go back. Sorry to make you go back and forth between maps, but go to the one at the top of the page. We’ll go back to Vogel’s chart. I do want to spend I want to just hit this real quick, go down to the seven piece, talk about the seven piece, and come back to it because you know people just need to see these charts first. 

George McMillan: So let we go down to the seven PS right there. Yeah. So we’ll go back to the go back to the chart and then we’ll go to the seven piece. Okay? All right. When you get to technology and population growth over time, you’re really talking about economic growth over population growth over time because people produce more with tools than without them. 

George McMillan: So what he’s really talking about is economic growth over population growth, but he tries to break it down to just the two most simplest variables, because then when you when you start to build equations, you start adding variables and sub-factors, Right? So he’s he starts with two things that you then belt out the equations for. If you’re starting to see, you know, if you start with the bronze and Iron age you need, you need he, you know, coal or wood-fired ovens to melt the metal and actually make. 

George McMillan: Yeah. Well and to melt the the minerals to make the or to make it steel or make it iron right. So even you need it some form of energy way back in the, you know, in the Bronze Age and the and the and the Iron Age just to get that far right if you get into the Industrial Revolution, once you know, of course, you needed these advances in metallurgy to build a steam engine because steam engine is an extremely combustible engine within you know, within 70 years you had internal combustion engines, you know, diesel engine, gasoline engine rankle engine. 

George McMillan: So all of a sudden technology started to increase very. But then all of a sudden you could move a lot of resources, a lot of different places to get a lot of things done. And you had the Industrial Revolution, right? You could get raw materials to industries. And of course, all that power was some form of energy. It was peat bogs and coal in England, the same thing in Germany, right?

George McMillan: And then the Russian natural gas, natural gas was used afterward. A guy named VMs was his name on how to use natural gas-powered engines and what was at the 1950s, I had to look, you know, go back and look.

Stuart Turley: For our go. Yeah, yeah. For our podcast listeners, the dawn of the nuclear age really was in 1945 range, because then nuclear power plants started coming in there. And then George, this graph with the economic in the population growing is almost straight up. This is like an F16 with full afterburner going straight up.

George McMillan: yeah. Wow. Yeah. So we’ll get into it real quick and then I’ll go back to it. Go back, go down, have go down, and read the paragraph below it. wait, no, no, no, no. Back up a little bit. All right. What? I start linking for my dependent variable an outcome measure is I’m linking economic rates of rates of change over population growth. 

George McMillan: Rates of change because First World First and Second World, more developed countries are characterized by high, higher economic growth and lower population growth proportions. The third, third, and fourth world countries, fourth world countries being failed states. Their lower economic growth and much higher population growth. Right. So right there I can get a dependent variable measure variable linked to an outcome measure that covers the full range of possibilities of human behavior. 

George McMillan: Right. So with so, you know, a few things right off the bat that a globe can get higher economic growth rates by putting capitalism everywhere, it won’t matter because it’s just going to be flooded by the flood of people, right? 

George McMillan: So the whole world, the wage labor equilibrium rate is plummeting despite the drastic increase of global economic production. So that means that globally every country is headed towards fourth-world failed state status.

Stuart Turley: Say that again.

George McMillan: Yeah. Every country in the world is basically tending towards fourth-world failed state status. Wow. That’s what that chart means. So you get the two primary trends of technology and population growth over time. And since the 1950s, you’re really talking about the 1970s for a whole bunch of different reasons, right? Jobs started, you know, mass manufacturing facilities started moving south to take it back. 

George McMillan: Well, for a bunch of different reasons. One, when the factories were getting old in the north, it didn’t matter whether it was the United States, Canada, or Europe. Right. The big multinationals were like, okay, we need to build new factories, but not factories all over the world. They started putting their factories closest to the raw material sources right in the southern hemisphere.

George McMillan: They built these mega factories so they could escape paying the unions and take advantage of cheap labor, be closer to the raw materials, and produce the finished product so it maximizes. So these other countries start economically developing, right? And then you can ship from a central shipping point. So logistically, it makes perfect sense to move those jobs. And a whole bunch of people were arguing that there was, you know, back in the thirties and forties you had dependency theorists and people like that starting to argue that they needed to move more jobs along the side here the left Robert Reich could have been Lindblom from Yale, the left of linking, you know, 

George McMillan: the old Democrats that lean towards real socialism. We’re saying, unions, we need to unionize everybody and collective bargaining rights and all of this. This has a bearing on the conversation down below. 

George McMillan: They were arguing for that for the longest and then what what the what the corporations actually did was just move the job south and then you got people moving north. So that combination kind of broke that the labor unions. But now we got to mass migration. All the first-world countries are un developing right moving away from industrial sector jobs to service the rich, moving the manufacturing jobs south. 

George McMillan: But then the people are coming north to further saturate those income rates. Wow. So we have there’s just a lot of things going on. But globally, what’s occurring in the world is going through a wage labor equilibrium process with the two secondary trends of jobs moving south, and people moving north, but with the rise in the logarithmic population growth the wage labor rate is plummeting meaning that all the countries in the world are right now are headed towards fourth world failed state status.

George McMillan: Wow. All right. I want to get into the other methodologies there. Let’s go down to the seven P’s and talk about why this is important and why I want people to know that general fact pattern going into the seven P’s. So that would be on page two. Yeah, right there in the introduction. yeah. Go down touch more. 

George McMillan: Yeah. There you go. Yeah. Just so people can just read through it a little bit to be able to have big enough screens. Okay. Marx’s theory and this is explained below and people can, can download the PDF on G3 insights dot com. Hey. All right. I’m just going to just verbally explain it. They can get a systematic explanation of the documents when they download them.

George McMillan: Okay. So at first Marx and Engels were concerned about taking over the means of production after the Bolshevik Revolution. They are going immediately. Yeah. Sorry about that society and transform it the rest of the way. Right? Gramscian Lou Cash Gramsci being from Italy, went to, you know, went, made several trips to Moscow sort of. Lou Cash from Hungary along with Trotsky and the other Bolsheviks and leading communists at the time were trying to figure out how to transform societies.

George McMillan: So they basically had a list of institutions that they needed to take over and they wanted to make it make sure that nobody could preach Christianity. Okay? In Russia it would have been orthodox Christianity, right? Or in other parts of the country, in other parts of Central and Eastern Europe. But we could make so and it didn’t matter.

George McMillan: So they wanted to get into these institution institutions and replace it all with Marxist thought. So they wanted to start with Daniel Pipes put this know Middle East form in 2015, put it into a5p, but we kind of adjusted to a7p Okay, But just to throw out a citation towards M because that’s where I first read it.

George McMillan: Okay, Make sure I don’t plagiarize anybody else’s material. He has a very good website there with Middle East form. The first ones are professors, meaning you all the educators from, you know, from kindergarten all through, you know, all through Ph.D.

George McMillan: And they would just want to teach Marxism. And we’ll get to that in a second. But the second one was you’re going to replace the priest. So you’re going to put a Marxist bent on that, that they, you know, throw out most of the Bible. Go to Mark chapter four, teach everybody to be do-gooders, and hand everything else out equally. 

George McMillan: Right. So he’s going to throw out 98% of it and there the goal is to create people that are jellyfish. Okay, if I could just simplify it like that. So let’s get to the next thing that they want to do is take over the law schools to train all the judges while promoting Marxism. So that means all got all government attorneys, prosecutors up there.

George McMillan: But it means all government attorneys, justices, judges, you know, the whole the whole way up. This will make more sense when I get to the bottom and talk about results. Then the next one is the press. So you’re talking about taking everybody from Germany, from journalism school. Again, these people start out in college and then branch into these professions. 

George McMillan: So if you start out with the university system, you’re retraining all the teachers that go into kindergarten grade school, middle school, high school, and then the university system, right? Then you’re training these people to go out and become journalists, lawyers, everything else. So you’re trying to take over the judicial institutions, the press. Then we go, okay, most politicians go to college, so you’re also retraining the politicians.

George McMillan: Then you get into the police. Most of the early left-wing movements were put in. They okay from the 1848 revolution to the early communist revolutions in Bavaria and some other places, the police in the military always put them down or, you know, Paris commune all those, right? So eventually the military and police, the rulers put them down using those of those units.

George McMillan: So police in this case means all gun carriers, military police, private security. And of course, they don’t want a Marxist, don’t believe in property rights. So they definitely don’t believe in private firearm ownership. So. Okay. go ahead.

Stuart Turley: Now, I’ve got some questions, but I’m going to let you finish here.

George McMillan: Okay. So the seventh one is the parents, right? In this case, Marxism is an internationalist movement. Real quick, the first ideological person was Kant talking about if you expanded free markets in education because Lutheranism was very pro mass literacy in education, he was like, well, if you educate everybody to be self-reasoning and self-governing, then we can move towards democratic forms of government, of self-autonomy. 

George McMillan: So they don’t need to be heteronormative. Elite ruled by authoritarian governments, right? So you get an autonomy, hetero army distinction. So then he realized if you could make Europe more move towards democratic processes. So again, if you have a rule or one rule of the few, rule of the many, and in Aristotle’s high to low consensus scale he’s talking about, you know, every ruler has has has some kind of council.

George McMillan: So you never really have rule of the one is rule of the when you’re talking about rule, the one you really you’re talking about rule is a very few. Then an aristocracy is rule of the few. And then having more people involved would be a rule of the many, but is still, according to Robert Michel’s Iron Law of oligarchy theory. 

George McMillan: And he put that forth in early part of the 20th century. You never really get a big that big of a consensus scale, even if you have a democracy. So in this case, he reasoned that you could have a world full of democracies, that you could push people, if you could educate more people and then open up the consensus scale of who participates in voting.

George McMillan: Right. Marx or Hegel didn’t think that would work. He thought, you always had to have a strong state to to mediate between the rich and the poor. Then Marx turns Hegel on its head and thinks you have to have a communist state, a very strong rule, and get people to be self-governing that way. And it’s dependent on having an entirely malleable person that once you train them over a generation or two right then that that will perpetuate, which is a totally false dilemma because people have instinctual drives.

George McMillan: The other okay, there’s to kind of get into evolutionary psychology here, and I want to go some place with this. You’ve got a hardwired instinctual drive premise. A domain specific premise is what you call it, an evolutionary psychology Marxist theory is based on a domain-general premise that thinks that once you train people, then they will act that way forever.

George McMillan: So that’s that’s the goal. Now, the the domain specific premise is right. Steven Pinker wrote a book in 2000 to 2000 to that all of the human social sciences should be based on a domain specific theory, but instead they’re based on the job in general domain general theory. He doesn’t know why. I know why we’re going to we won’t get into it in this in this one, but another one.

George McMillan: So the idea was for Marx, you’ve got to break people away from their parents so they can break away from their Christian roots. And also he wants an international communist movement. So he doesn’t want national socialism like like the Vienna painter or Mussolini. He wants international communism or international socialist. So for him, he wants to break down the family relationship, to break down clan and ethnic identities, right?

George McMillan: So nationalism won’t occur, so people will go straight into internationalism. Wow. So it goes aspects of it still exist.

Stuart Turley: What you’re describing is what the WEF, the WHO and the U.N. and all those things are already in process is what you’re describing. And I want to just throw this out and then we can keep going. But of the seven P’s, the Second Amendment is the ban is holding up the police from being done. And then you have the priest.

Stuart Turley: A lot of them have been taken, but there’s still a lot of priests that are not controlled. And you look at the professors, I’d have to say a gigantic chunk of the education system is gone, is already check the politicians. I think it’s it’s 60, 40, 60% is now in the other in that camp. I mean there’s a lot of folks so they almost have this entire methodology done.

Stuart Turley: Yeah we’re we’re within 15 minutes of losing the country.

George McMillan: Yeah. Where is that? I want to I want to say something that’s really important here, and people are really confused by it and they shouldn’t be okay. A lot of people have seen their Uribe’s been off videos done in the mid eighties, right, where he talks about the Soviet plan to come in and start demoralizing the country is what is like.

George McMillan: He is a term he used right and someone even been posting that on LinkedIn the past few years and we’re like the Russians are still are still doing this. Wow, this is really scary. All right. I’m just going to just say it. This stuff is really stupid. This was done by the time Yuri Best went off was speaking.

George McMillan: It was already done right. And what I mean by that, if people go and read to be in cosmetics, the Psychological foundations of Culture written in 1992, now they talk about how once the 1960s liberals got into the Western University and started taking over the department chairs, they took away the scientific method. So what they argue, okay, for one thing, they argue everything should be on a domain general.

George McMillan: I mean a domain specific premise because they’re evolutionary theories, not a domain general, then they don’t know why the social sciences are just a chaotic mess, but they’re talking about how they went in reverse. Again, long, long discussion because we’re talking about the first 50. The professors. So then they don’t know how to fix it, but they’re fed up with the university system they had been studying under E.O. Wilson at Harvard and the animals, and they are indifferent, different biological, evolutionary studies. 

George McMillan: So they don’t know why in the physical sciences, you know, physics and engineering, everything went to went to scientific modeling decades ago. Same thing with biology. And then as biology goes into evolutionary theory, after Watson and Crick had developed, you know, the DNA profiles. Right. And you got DNA testing, you know, in the eighties nineties, it started to get a lot better.

George McMillan: The you can actually go back to the bones of different animals and start or actually start checking migration paths of people and start figuring out a whole bunch of things. In evolutionary theory, you can confirm them basically, you could confirm 10% of the theories and throw 90% of them out, right? So the field of evolutionary psychology, after the discovery of DNA and after Freudian psychology, the combination really got to be very accurate.

George McMillan: So then they want to know why they call it an integrated causal model of evolutionary biology in evolutionary psychology. So they’re saying as soon as evolutionary psychology gets into social psychology, the social sciences become just an absolute chaotic mess. And they are right. Actually, there’s no reason for that. In my other papers, getting a unification of social sciences to break it down into a series of basically electrical schematics is actually very easy.

George McMillan: Wow. You take there is only two people that wrote on the foundational political economic and geopolitical levels, Hume and Smith versus Marx and Engels. Marx and Engels actually wrote on the geopolitical level as well of how the world goes through dialectical materialism and gets to communism. I just explained that before, and the other one was Kant. So I throw Kant’s geopolitical and state in that top level of the Hume-Smith-Kant model versus a Marx-Engels model if you’re trying to complete that matrix comparison. Okay, well, once communism fell, you should take you should be able to get rid of all the Marx, Engels, Rousseau, Marx, Engels, philosophical theory on the abstract, philosophical level of the ultimate cause, and then go down to the social sciences and eliminate all the Marxian social sciences that deal with proximate cause pertaining to their discipline.

George McMillan: Yeah. And then get your measurement system to match the, you know, the Hume-Smith model, but updated empirical frameworks. The university system did the opposite. It got rid of the free market systems more or less mostly adopted the Marx-Engels system with the infinitely valuable domain-general premise and got rid of the measurement system too. So now the university system doesn’t have the self-correcting scientific process of competing hypotheses and measurement systems to work with.

George McMillan: It’s just it’s doing this dead spin lost loop where they can’t course correct. There’s no hope for it. Wow. And the fix is, really, really easy. Go to Cory Gardner already got it on my on my unified behavioral theory page. Already got it. That’s been out for years now. I did that at Tim’s office. I was home from Iraq. 

George McMillan: So with to be and cost me this integrated causal model of biology and evolutionary psychology. And I already had the dependent variable and independent variable of economic rates of change over population growth, rates of change which come from Robert Fogel. You want to know about 92, I think it was. So if you do that and you already have the four-category geopolitical four model, right?

George McMillan: Well, that’s following Seymour Lipsitt’s format that he talked about in some social requisites for democracy, and that was in political science. I think it was in 1959. Okay. He talked about democracy, economic growth indicators, and how to move countries from being third world to second and third world status. Right. Okay. So all I did and this is simple was, in fact, let’s even talks about it at the end of the article, he starts talking about Aristotle, six forms of government right? 

George McMillan: So what I did was very, very simple. I took Aristotle’s six forms of government related to per capita GNP function because in the sixties and seventies, you had Rostow’s economic growth theories, you know, then you had solo swan models, then you had general equilibrium theories, all these right, all these frameworks started to come out in the sixties and seventies and eighties and these guys all got Nobel prizes for it. So I could take the complex mathematics, and boil it down to a GNP, per capita GNP. Again, I don’t want to use the GDP ratio because I’m not measuring--GDP is a specific measurement for countries--I just want to use it as a signification to signify economic growth rates of change over population growth rates of change on a global scale.

Stuart Turley: And that makes sense.

George McMillan: And then you related so you got the four categories of of the geopolitical four model, right, which has the full range of possibilities on the outcome measure. And right you got the economic growth overpopulate Asian growth ratio and then you got Aristotle, six forms of government. But what I really want to focus is on is, is the is the low-to-high consensus scale ratio because then you got to measurement sticks where you’re wage labor equilibrium rate is your water level.

George McMillan: Wow. Like, think of it as a pool, right? Okay, so you got two measurement sticks whatever your wage equilibrium rate is is going to dictate which government form you got. Okay. There are other factors and I got other frameworks in the model to account for that. Okay. And you got an outcome measure and wherever that water level is, is the government and the geopolitical forum you’re going to get.

George McMillan: Okay, There might be ten years or 20 years lag time in there, but eventually it’s going to level out. So once you know that our government or the university system discarded the accurate theories of human behavior. Right. And then focused on the exact opposite, the worst theories of human behavior, and threw out the measurement systems.

George McMillan: And they did this.

Stuart Turley: There’s no check and balance. Not anymore.

George McMillan: Yeah. And they did this by the eighties going into the nineties, you know because the first set of liberal professors weren’t that bad. But there are students who keep on weeding out conservatives if that’s not obvious to everybody. Yeah so every decade they weed out more and more conservatives out of the university system so any self-correcting course is gone, is weeded out. Okay, why did I explain that?

George McMillan: You know we’re going to go back to the Seven P’s. Okay. Now you have income disparity. Okay. You have a growing income disparity now. And so they think it’s the Marxist system rather than. No, the Hume-Smith model is right. Updated with modern economics, of course. But population growth is way exceeding economic growth globally. So even with higher economic growth rates, I mean, just look at those. Just look at those charts at the bottom. It goes straight up, right? Let’s just give people a minute to look at that.

Stuart Turley: yeah. And we’re looking at the size of the world population over the last 12,000 years, starting in 10,000 B.C., all the way up to nine. You go from I mean, take a look at it at year zero, 190 million, you fast forward into the 14th century. We have 600 million. And boy, it shoots up from there.

Stuart Turley: Holy smokes.

George McMillan: Yeah. So there’s another chart that I. I could have put some other charts in this I didn’t have that clues. Okay. Yeah. You know that would of course that doesn’t show you where they come from, but it’s all from Latin America. Mostly Central America. And all. All three. All three regions of Africa and then India. 

Stuart Turley: Okay, we are there. I know that we’re we’re talking theories and I know that we’re talking migrations. We’re talking about the death of the West into, the Fourth World, living by the equilibrium, a balance between wage and economic growth.

George McMillan: Yeah. 

Stuart Turley: So as we look at this, George, this is explaining an awful lot of everything that’s going on in the West right now. Now we have if we have someone like, let’s say, President Trump does win the election,b President Biden and their crew are doing everything in their power through the judges, through the legal system that you described, if he wins, he’s going to need a transition team to weed out the theories because you have pointed out that if you’re going to understand where they’ve been, it’s not being talked about now, is all of this a fair statement?

George McMillan: Yes.

Stuart Turley: So the Trump transition team needs this kind of guidance if Trump is elected. The other part of this is the absolute need and understanding that the migration is planned and being funded. There are so many articles. Even Fox News announced that the U.N. was funding this, which Michael Yon and I talked about several weeks ago. You know, I mean, he’s been on this with you in Panama that you’re saying this is being funded by the U.N. and all the other type organizations where I’m just trying to get everybody up to date.

Stuart Turley: And I know there’s a difference between news as you and I talked about current events and understanding why. And I think in some of our next conversations, we’ll be going into some more of that. Yeah, but if you had to the current administration or the next administration, what would your thought process be in this kind of environment?

Stuart Turley: We know the seven P’s, we know we know that the seven P’s are here. We know that they’ve almost taken control of the seven P’s. There is a gigantic movement from the parents to take control of their kids, and they’ve found out that covered what was being taught. Nobody was attention. The home school movement is going in.

Stuart Turley: People are getting out of the public schools and we can see the war on the parents with the FBI chasing down, which goes to the police, the chasing down the people that are standing up at school board meetings. We’ve already been seeing all of this. Yeah, the Second Amendment is the only thing standing in the way of it. The police and you can tell by the previous administration that they were defunding the police and that almost worked.

Stuart Turley: I mean, this is frightening.

George McMillan: George Yeah, there’s. Boy Yeah, we’re opening up a lot of cans of worms. You know, we’re good at that. As many videos as you can do on that let’s do them because there’s just.

Stuart Turley: The reading. 

George McMillan: Laura learned a lunch and A.G. Holder.

Stuart Turley: The reason I brought all this up George was because the reason I brought all this up is to take this up for our next conversation and put a gigantic hook in here for the standpoint that we are running out of time as a country if people don’t pay attention to it and. 

George McMillan: There’s all this theoretical modeling is my combination of models. I only have it because I worked on it for decades, right on how to laterally integrate the disciplines. Why? Because just this the social sciences are a chaotic mess. And like I said, it’s for no reason. All they needed to do was just bump up what Seymour Lipsitt did in 1959.

George McMillan: Right? You had Herbert Gettys, who spent his last 20 years, you know, in retirement. He died last January. I was trying to I was trying to get a meeting with him, but I because he’s been trying to do this his whole life. Yeah.

Stuart Turley: I hope you don’t get a meeting with me now.

George McMillan: Yeah. Yeah, well, yeah, seriously. But yeah, I was in Iraq or, you know, working overseas in Afghanistan, and I. I couldn’t come back and. And, and get with him and kind of arrange that or. I don’t know, You might hate my guts. I have no idea. So they are the people who had been out people have been talking about how the night how the Western University system’s been destroyed for decades. 

George McMillan: Right. So I worked on that to fix it. By the time I’m going to talk to different people about it. Yeah. Herbert Mentis died on January 5th. I think it was right last year. And then Barclay Rosser died. So my Hugh Smith versus I didn’t get to talk to Barclay Rosser and I got stuck by doing this geopolitical stuff.

George McMillan: And then when I went back to talk to him, he had died. So I’m not having good luck here. Okay? I’m like Angela Lansbury, I guess. I don’t. So again, my Hugh Smith model versus Marx. Engels is the biggest ideological comparative systems analysis around, and they all do it. I was just looking at something on LinkedIn. I sent it to you before because they were talking about somebody who had started talking about Walter Durante covering up for the Holodomor in Ukraine in the twenties and thirties.

George McMillan: And she had mentioned that Walter Durante had was covering up and writing it for The New York Times. And they and The New York Times, you know, nominated him for a Pulitzer Prize that he won. And they covered up the Russian famine. You know, Walter Durante had covered up the Russian famine and covered up the Holodomor. So you’re talking about I don’t know, the estimates are out there like 20 or 30 million people died.

George McMillan: So Walter Durante was covering up 20 or 30 million deaths between Russia and Ukraine to talk about how great communism was in the belief that it was going to succeed and create the utopian society. And of course, the inference is now the media in the media hasn’t changed. It does the same that right Bret Weinstein was talking about.

George McMillan: He thinks that the total amount of deaths from the COVID vaccine is about 17 million, far exceeding the deaths from actual COVID.

Stuart Turley: The vaccines did what Bill Gates said they would.

George McMillan: Yeah, and then we don’t we still don’t know what the fallout of that is. No myocarditis and stuff like that. Different heart diseases. Parker died as the so now the whole university system has is producing nothing but Walter Durante’s. So when you go through the Seven P’s again because people probably forgot what they are, you always the professors, the priests, the prosecutors, the press, and then the politicians, the police and the parents.

George McMillan: Right. So they’ve got they got most of the seven P’s already. So it really comes down to taking over the--let’s just talk about the politicians. They only need to take over a few more. They only need to turn a few more red states blue. So you’ll never have a Republican president ever again, right? Tucker Carlson is talking about it.

George McMillan: You know, Dr. Pete Chambers talked about it on Alex’s show with Tucker Carlson again. Right. The mass invasion is deterring a few more red states blue. So they’ll have the politicians locked up with that. They’ll have the Supreme Court nominations locked up, Locked up. So then they can practice incremental socialism by taking away property rights again and diminish.

George McMillan: Well, the second verse first and second Amendments will go out the window and then and the fourth and all of them all.

Stuart Turley: And then the central bank currency, digital currency will just wipe everything else out.

George McMillan: I need to make one point here. That’s crucial. Okay. Very crucial. Leftism started with Rousseau’s essay on inequality, right? He argued that the creation and complete opposite to what Adam Smith had argued he was arguing. In fact, while Adam Smith wrote down his theories and to controvert Rousseau. Right. But he was arguing that there is the creation of property rights that allowed men to oppress other men.

George McMillan: So that created class distinctions and inequality and then marital rights allowed men to subjugate women and create gender inequality. Yeah. And because thou shalt not steal and thou shalt not commit adultery is in the Ten Commandments. He then attributed all inequalities to the Abrahamic religions.

Stuart Turley: Yeah. So and in my household, the--

George McMillan: So therefore you got to go to if you go to atheism and get rid of marital rights and property rights. Right. You’re then going to go back to equality and, and utopia. wow. Okay. So Marx radicalized Rousseau and create an economic and political structure for it. And then they tested it and bureaucrats and rulers act nothing like what they thought.

George McMillan: What occurred with Bolshevism is one ethnic group settled age old scores with the other ethnic groups and wiped out tens of millions. Wow. So there was no benevolent. It just turned into We’re in charge. You wiped us out three, five, 600 years ago. Now we’re going to wipe you guys out. That’s all that happened. There was no utopianism at all.

George McMillan: It was just East. Eastern death, despotism. Exactly what Leo Strauss said. It was right. So there is Marxism, wasn’t this new form of government. It goes straight back. It’s just Aristotle’s perverted forms of government, of tyranny and despotism with And there, you know, and creating a few generations of this doesn’t create a utopian person. It creates well in from scale the sadomasochistic, not the productive character orientation that creates a construct of behavioral dynamic just for the general audience.

George McMillan: Think about Jocko. Will links on leadership kind of constructive behavioral dynamics. I don’t want to get too much into psychological theory, but it created a cycle, the sadomasochistic profile where everybody each other out. You either have super sadistic people or super passive people. Super passive-aggressive people don’t work. So you’re calling me drops. So your character orientation of your society correlates directly to Aristotle.

George McMillan: Six forms of government. That’s the behavioral dynamic in psychology and economics you have versus virtuous versus vicious cycles. So you have a vicious cycle, not a virtuous cycle. So then on your geopolitical scale, you’re you’re not optimal. And in certain areas. Okay, So Russia may or the Soviet Union may have been a superpower, but their living standards were way suboptimal.

George McMillan: Right? So you can be a first-world country in some aspects, but a third world in others. You know, there’s a different continuum in these things, right? So every time you have a failed Marxist experiment, they regress and they rebrand Marxism. But the constant is always Rousseau’s get rid of mineral rights, property rights and get rid of religion.

George McMillan: So marital rights, property rights ,and atheism. So now we’re at we’re in a secular country. They want to flood this country, change a few states blue, get rid of the Ten Commandments, then the Ten Amendments again, the Ten Commandments.

Stuart Turley: And the Ten Commandments. Yeah.

George McMillan: And wipe out, you know, their flooding in Europe, too. So they’re doing the same thing in Western Europe. But after the fall of communism, Putin and the Russian nationalists reinstituted started spending billions of dollars to reinstitute the Orthodox Church. Right in the RRussian-speakingareas. In the other oblast concert Islamists is not sincere Islamic. The Saudis have been spending billions on building mosques in those areas.

George McMillan: They’re trying to keep them not from being the radical mosques like you have in Pakistan. I don’t know how well that’s working out. But anyway, you have this tremendous turn of religion in the Marxist countries to try to fix them, because it’s not a psychologically stable strategy and it’s not an evolutionarily stable strategy as far as the, you know, the family unit is an evolutionarily stable strategy.

George McMillan: Right. So we have. Okay, Douglas Murray’s book was A Strange Death a Europe. So you have that occurring here. They’re trying to take over the school system here. And like you said, decoded with parents seeing what the kids were learning in schools. Here’s what started this backlash here. Had they not been listening to what the kids have been taught, they would have never known this.

George McMillan: So then if the far left is destroying the United States and trying to flip it, you have the neo-cons trying to destroy Russia at the same time, the goal is to wipe out Christianity on both continents. That’s the goal. No one’s talked about this, right? So again, we need to go over the seven PS on our next show.

George McMillan: Okay. And a little bit more detail, but this is a good overview to get people into the discussion because you got the $0.07 plan and you’ve got the population plan. So they want to bring the third-worlders up who will then vote for handouts and welfare. Right? Okay.

Stuart Turley: And they’re giving it to them.

George McMillan: I mean, and they’re giving it to all we’re $34 trillion in debt four times that if you include the the unfunded mandates. Right. Of Social Security. So people think that you’re going to get you’re going to bring these migrants in and they’re going to get their Social Security or are you going to bring these migrants in and they’re going to pay it, pay off everybody’s Social Security, the baby boomers that are retiring.

George McMillan: In reality, that money spent and people aren’t going to get both. They’re going to get one or the other. And they voted for mass immigration. Their Social Security is going to go to welfare spending. That’s right. Because the left, if they wanted to bring people in to pay off Social Security, they wouldn’t be giving them welfare. They’d be making them work right.

George McMillan: But because they’re prioritizing, inducing people to bring people in, that means they’re more their highest priority is to take over the politicians. Right. And is not to pay off everybody’s Social Security now. So it’s going to accelerate the bankruptcy of the United States. So it’s the Cloward Piven Plan. So when you take over these P’s, the other dominoes fall, right?

George McMillan: And that’s the part that we need to get into deeper with this discussion because as you know, I was down with Michael Yon. He’s been tracking the boots on the ground. We need to go over the different academicians that are talking about this. Right. Or subfield theorists because there’s no lateral integration except for my right. So they don’t know the collateral effects of the other fields.

George McMillan: So you get different economists talking about, well, you move people here and there, you’re decreasing inequality by I mean some infinitesimal amount. Right. But they don’t know about the $0.07 plan, so they don’t know that they’re contributing to that. They don’t know what their orders are. Same thing in the military. They’re told to do stuff, but they don’t know what the geopolitical theories are.

George McMillan: So they don’t really know why they’re doing it. So that’s why we want to get the seven-point plan out. Okay. And the geopolitical energy things out. We’ve got a lot of videos to do, Right.

Stuart Turley: We’ll start again tomorrow. This will go out probably tomorrow and we will have this out and we’ll film again. But this series is getting it for me. George. I just want to be honest that I’m sitting here and even though we’re to understand the theories of what’s going on, this education for me is phenomenal. Yeah, I mean, you can sit here and just put all of these things ago that’s been going on for ten years, that’s been going on.

Stuart Turley: And if you don’t know that it’s going on and why the models are going like this, if you’re going to come in and you’re going to come into, you do anything, you need to know these forward models and be able to predict ahead of time the right and the Conservatives have been behind the ball all along. And I do see some good things that people are starting to wake up.

Stuart Turley: And I think that it’s it’s going to get ugly as the left sits back and goes way too minute. I think the Green New Deal, it really did accelerate all this because it increased the price of energy. When you increase the price of energy, it exacerbates all this other stuff. I mean, the deindustrialization of Germany has been going, so goes Germany, it goes, so goes the GDP of the EU.

Stuart Turley: So this is all-encompassing George, and I just really appreciate you.

George McMillan: So yeah, there are so many things to talk about when you get one problem on our side is people tend to think everything is a monolith. But like we were talking about, it’s really a whole bunch of fiefdoms in different and different domains. So we need to talk about the different political factions both here and in Europe, right.

George McMillan: Or the different Shia versus Sunni factions and ethnic groups in the Middle East. And you got all these different factions that are doing different things. They all have their own little strategic plans. So that’s what that’s what this series of papers is about, Right? People want to read it online. Again, it’s G three I think my website is functional now.

George McMillan: If not, it will be soon. You know, I mean, the conversations are always going to be haphazard, but a systematic investigation, a presenting that of controlling one variable at a time. Right. It is in written form conversations. You know, we say we’ll talk about this. We always end up talking about something else or, you know, whatever. There’s so much to talk about.

George McMillan: It doesn’t matter as long as we get more stuff out there. But yeah, so the urgency of now on flooding the border is because if Trump wins here, well, let me back up. Had Hillary won the 2016 election, they would have been dominating the Supreme Court justices and everything would have already been gone. So they had they basically had the ball on the one-yard line and we’re about to punch it in the end zone.

George McMillan: And then Trump came along without knowing any of this, stopped it right by chance. Really. So then now they still have the ball maybe on the two-yard line, but they don’t move back to the yard, right? I mean, they’re still about to punch it in the end zone. Now it looks like Trump’s going to win again.

Stuart Turley: I think the only way he will lose is if they cheat like they did the last time.

George McMillan: Yeah, they’re going to have to influence the elections right? Heavily. Yes, I am. Yeah. Well, I want to make sure we don’t get any I want to make sure we don’t get any strikes.

Stuart Turley: I don’t care anymore.

George McMillan: Yeah, so. But I was. I was glancing through the channel yesterday and I was looking for the Australian Open to watch last night. And I ran across CNN and somebody was talking about, the farmer’s movement and Berlin and Paris. They’ve been co-opted, co-opted by the far right. They’ve been co-opted by the party. They had this hour-long conversation about this you were just talking about.

George McMillan: They are so much against the blue-collar worker. Right. And again, where this paper ends up is talking about Professor the New Gostkowski. I don’t know if she’s still teaching at William Patterson University in northern New Jersey or not, but she has written a series of papers since 2014 about why I’m no longer a leftist and why the left couldn’t convert the blue-collar workers to become socialists.

George McMillan: Right? The collective bargaining agreements were they were just fine with that. They were getting good solid wages from General Motors and Ford and all that. Right. And there were still Catholics or Protestants, and they really just wanted to stay that way and everything was just fine. I mean, that’s always been the problem of the labor unions in the United States, you know, from the leftist perspective they wouldn’t go for a Marxist.

George McMillan: They just wanted a good. CVA Right. So she was talking about after the blue-collar workers started voting, Well, they didn’t like the 1960s liberals, right? So they voted for Reagan, then they voted for Bush and Bush and then Trump. Right? So during this phase, once they started, once they started having the Reagan Democrats, they started importing the proletariat.

George McMillan: Right. So setting up the different UN organizations, UNHCR, UNICEF, the IOM, Red Cross, Red Cross, Red Crescent, and Doctors Without Borders. Yeah, they do this all over the world to move people north. I mean, I went down with Michael Yon, but I mean, you know, Michael Yon has been all over the world. I work all over the world. So to me, it’s like, okay, well, all right, they’re doing it over here now.

George McMillan: I mean, it was you.

Stuart Turley: Saw the same groups.

George McMillan: All. It’s all the same groups. Yeah. Doing this all over the world. But in the United States, it’s a Seven P plan. Same thing sometimes. Well, it’s the same Seven P Plan operationalized slightly differently for the European Parliaments instead of the tripartite government we have here. So it’s a slightly different strategy, but it’s the same general strategy. And if the AfD wins or Marine Le Pen wins in France, AfD wins in Germany and Trump wins here, then they for a lot of different reasons, they’re it’s going to push them back there onto your line.

George McMillan: Is that going to push them back to the ten-yard line, the 20-yard line, or whatever? But I just want to break. This is going to be a continual fight. yeah. Think. Trump is going to come in and fix everything. No, it’s called no road. No.

Stuart Turley: Yes. And if he doesn’t have the information, if the government agencies don’t understand what was broken, he didn’t understand what was as he did not understand and how deep it was broken the first time.

George McMillan: No, the university system is destroyed. People don’t know why it’s destroyed and what’s the extent. So I tell everybody, read to bankers meetings. These psychological foundations of culture also read Alan Bloom’s The Closing of the American Mind because the two books parallel each other. Right.

Stuart Turley: And I want to give you one also, Dr. Stanley Rejali I interviewed, he is a professor and his book is Brutal Minds The Failure of the Universe System.

George McMillan: Okay.

Stuart Turley: He is more cultural right now. He doesn’t have the theories that you do, but it’s absolutely outstanding. I’ll send you both an email. You guys would have some fun if you guys Don.

George McMillan: I do overarching causal systems, right? I look for people like that who are experts in certain fields for the empirical evidence of it. Right. So yeah, I mean, that’s why I like to get subject matter experts in different because I mean just look at the gaslighting that’s on, you know the quotes neand gative comments I get I mean are just absolutely stupid.

George McMillan: I mean there they are Dunning Kruger like crazy because all my sources again all, all my sources are from, you know, well people from the military academies, the war colleges or the elite universities, all of them. So yeah, I’m such a conspiracy theorist that all the books I mentioned were major textbooks back in their decade.

Stuart Turley: And in Georgia, again, thank you. I look forward to visiting with you later in the week, but also, I believe good will win. I believe there is enough good in the world and I believe that good will win. So with that, any last chance, George, as we close this session down on the seven PS

George McMillan: The trucker march. yes, it will go to the border. Well, a lot of people are already headed that way. Right. Get a feel. I’m in Texas so I’ll go to that one. Right. And yeah, we’ll do another video after that and do more discussions on mass migration and then then get back to the energy logistics and Eurasia of Russia because of Russia.

Stuart Turley: If you’re down there, let me know and I’ll go trom there.

George McMillan: Yeah because on the energy front and I guess close it out on this Japan went ahead and started buying oil from Vladivostok. That’s right. In rubles just a couple of weeks ago. Yeah. So ts far as the United States keep maintaining their allies on both axial ends of ourasia. Yeah. If the AfD wins on one side, Japan is already buying oil [from Russia].

George McMillan: The person who is building the pipelines and first buying oil and natural gas from Sakhalin Island and Vladivostok is was Abe you noticed he died? yeah. Okay. Last year. Yeah. So then the South Koreans that are talking about buying oil and natural gas from Russia, that guy just got stabbed in the neck. Right. So whoever does this seems to have an untimely end--oops.

Stuart Turley: I’m about to share something here real quick.

George McMillan: I’m not putting forth any I’m just making correlations. I’m not saying of course. Yeah. You’re just whoever tries to do that seems to either end up dead or they have their countries invaded and end up dead or right. They just end up dead somehow.

Stuart Turley: Okay. I’m going to share my screen here again. And real quick,  just for our podcast listeners, I am zooming in to the pipeline monitor. There are 2177 pipeline projects. I’m zooming into China and then you can zoom in to there are the LNG terminals. Here is the import terminals in Japan, and then here is the strait. If you’ll take this is what you are talking about right here, is that correct?

George McMillan: Correct.

Stuart Turley: So as we come in, there’s this Sakhalin Oblast and you’ll see that if they do bring this in, this is going to be connected to Russia. And this is what is this is the last piece of this puzzle in order to get it to Japan. And you look at the pipelines and what’s under construction right now, you can take a look at China and holy smokes, they’re put in natural gas and everywhere.

George McMillan: Yeah. Okay. So, all right, zoom in to the Northern Ireland of Mikado by Sapporo. Yeah, there you go. Just a little bit north Abe in 2016 was with Putin, and again, I couldn’t really find anything in English. Right. But Masako got to her. Michael Yon’s associate looked at it in Japanese and then, yeah, you’ve got a handful of stories that pop up and the writers keep on talking about how come the mainstream press isn’t writing about this?

George McMillan: Well, back in 2016, he was going to do a pipeline deal. move it toward the north, the northern end of that island thing.

Here we go now to the northern end of the island. Now Okay. They’re going to build a pipeline from the northern end down to Hokkaido to Sapporo, and then they’re going to do a pipeline into the Japanese main island of Nippon, right? Yeah. There you go. All the way to Tokyo. And just like Nordstrom, they were leaned on and told not to do it.

George McMillan: Wow. So Abe has started building pipelines and LNG ports anyway, right? If there’s any kind of war in the Pacific, they know that they’re going to be cut off. Why did World War Two start? Because Japan with a smaller Navy and potentially being cut off from rubber and oil. Right. Would go into such an economic disaster that tens of millions of people would die.

George McMillan: So they went to war instead to take over the resources. Invaded Manchuria. The Philippines, right. French at the time, and all the way down to Singapore to take over those key resources. So now they want to avoid this this time. So now they’re starting to ignore the US and buy oil and Russian gas from Russia in case they get a war with China.

George McMillan: So the Chinese strategy is, of course, to chase Japan and South Korea into the arms of Russia, which which they’re doing. Okay. The casino government went ahead and bought or did contracts ahead of time. So that’s no doubt they’re getting threats and lectures isareenerally what happens.

Stuart Turley: And well, then you have the Biden administration Friday cutting out exports on LNG. And that is such a disaster for our allies. I would not want to be an ally of the US right now. Not with this.

George McMillan: Again when you when you of the ruling coalition’s neo-conservative neoliberals the far left the far right, what unites them all is they all want big government right and they want to wipe out Christianity, North America, Europe and, and Russia. They won’t admit that they’ll gaslight you. I’m crazy about that. Go back. Go back to Rousseau and go through Gramsci.

George McMillan: Go through, go through the Frankfurt New School. Right. Fuko and Derrida. There are deconstruction ism. Every iteration of leftism retains those three items of Rousseau, so every time they change it that stays the same. It’s just that they rebranded and read and reformulate the strategy. But keep on going with the seventh plan. Right. All right. So I want I’m focusing on people what the constants and variables are so they can recognize it whenever it pops up.

George McMillan: So you have the leftists pursuing the Green New Deal to bring about the Cloward Piven plan. So controlling agriculture and energy is part of the Cloward Piven plan. Right? So then how are the other factions responding to that? Well, it’s totally undermining the neo-conservatives because they want to be the world’s superpower, right?

George McMillan: So they can’t be a superpower if they don’t have if they lose their allies in Western Europe and the first island chain in the Pacific.

Stuart Turley: That is so.

George McMillan: Out of the ruling coalition and you have the far left totally undermining the neneo-conservativest every step of the way. So, again, it is chaotic and this is what people need to be looking at. So if they win this time, they finish seven PS but then they implode themselves in the United States at the same time. Again, we don’t need to lose to Russia, and Russia and China already noticed.

George McMillan: yeah.

Stuart Turley: Putin is pretty funny when he’s talking about the U.S. and our politics. But with that, let’s go ahead and cut it because you and I could talk for another two or 3 hours and we will record again later this week, George.

George McMillan: So call me. Tell me when

Stuart Turley: Sounds fantastic.

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